Closed Beta Patch Notes 2015/03/24 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.4)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。

*General [#vce7ae54]

**Performance [#nbd1ec05]

“Network Spikes”インジケータはパフィーマンスオーバーレイ(Ctrl + Alt + F)から削除された。
混乱を回避するために、Network Spikesインジケータは削除された。より一般的な性能問題をプレイヤー特定できるような、性能測定方法を将来のアップデートで導入するつもりである。

*新Battleground [#pdee1a3e]

Tomb of the Spider Queenは、全ゲームモードで遊べるようになった新たな3レーンのBattlegroundである。

Spiderミニオンと敵ヒーローは魔法のGems of Powerを死亡時に落とす。
Gemを集め、Battlegroundの中央でレーンの間にあるSpider Queen’s Altarsに納めよう。
どちらかのチームが十分な量のGemをSpider Queenに捧げたとき、Webweaverが敵チームめがけそれぞれのレーンを襲撃する。

*新Hero [#zf6344d4]

Sylvanas WindrunnerがHeroes of the Stormに追加されプレイ可能になった!

Withering Fire (Q)
Shadow Dagger (W)
Haunting Wave (E)
Black Arrows
Heroic Abilities
Wailing Arrow (R)
Possession (R)

*User Interface [#yf5e10a7]

*User Interface [#ad505e03]

**General [#ed58d805]


**Progression System [#z9394187]

-Hero Progression
1250 Gold:ヒーローレベル15
2500 Gold:ヒーローレベル20
-Player Progression
2,000 Gold:プレイヤーレベル20, 25, 30, 35, 40
Team Leagueがプレイヤーレベル40で開放される。
要求レベルにすでに到達、または超えているプレイヤーは、パッチ後にHeroes of the Stormにログインすることで報酬を受け取ることができる。

**Team League [#g1a825bb]

Heroes of the Stormに二つ目のRanked Playである、Team Leagueのための初期実装が導入された!
-Team Leagueでは、プレイヤーは、ランク戦に参加するための専用ロースターをもつ名前のあるチームを作成し、同程度のスキルを持ったチームと戦うことができる。
Team Leagueに参加するためには、プレイヤーは以下の条件を満たしている必要がある。
--最低でも5人のメンバーがログイン状態でTeam Leagueをプレイする準備ができているチームを作るか参加する。
Team League画面に移動し、空のチームスロットをクリック、チーム名を入力、1000Goldを支払うことで新しいチームを作成できる。
Team League画面はプレイヤーが現在所属する全てのチームとチームのランク、名前、勝敗記録が表示される。
Team Leagueをプレイするために、5人のメンバーが同時にキューを入れる必要がある。
“Invite”ドロップダウンを利用して他のロースタープレイヤーをTeam Leagueに招待できる。
“Ranked Teams”セクションがプレイヤープロフィールに追加された。
-Draft Mode
Team LeagueのDraft Modeは、Hero Leagueの“Predetermined” Draft Modeではなく、“First Come, First Served”を使用する。
First Come, First Served Draft Modeでは、それぞれのチームのプレイヤーが、自ターンに自由に好きな順番でヒーローをピックできる。

*Menu Navigation [#ob306788]

**General [#t3405904]
**Home Screen [#j19f968a]
Home Screenから新ヒーローの“Go to Shop”、Try Hero”ボタンが追加された。
**Shop Screen [#z43700e0]
**Play Screen [#dd4d4916]
“Change Mode”ボタンは削除された。
**Hero League [#h214542d]
Hero League Screenに最もプレイしたでなく最も勝利したヒーローが表示される。
Hero League Screenに表示されているヒーローをクリックするとプレイヤープロフィールが表示される。

**Custom Games [#s8345df4]
“Choose Map”ボタンは削除され、Custom Games Screenから直接Battlegroundが選択できるようになった
カスタムゲームをプライベートゲームにするための“Game Privacy”ドロップダウンがカスタムゲームロビーに追加された。 プライベートゲームでは対人記録は残らない。
**End of Game Score Screens [#b1447bff]
Rank, Quests,Rewardsタブが削除され、Summaryタブに統合された。
**Summary [#n982d6a6]
**Stats [#b04be107]
Statsタブはゲーム内TAB画面と同様になり、Siege Damage、Hero Damage、Healing獲得XPが表示される。

*Ranked Play and Draft Mode [#d187f223]

**Draft Mode Notification [#pb7d15ba]
ランクマッチにおいて試合を探している時にHeroes of the Stormにフォーカスがない場合、試合が見つかるとフォーカスが戻り通知音がなる。
**Rank and Point Changes [#x021980c]
Menu Navigationでも言及したとおり、前回のゲームでのrank,rankの変化,rankのポイントはSummary screenに表示される。

*Hero Select [#u0f248cc]


*Art [#h17b0b6f]

**General [#sa3443f1]


**Battlegrounds [#we796859]

**Heroes, Mounts, and Skins [#s1928fed]

-Legendary Skins
--Mecha Tassadarは大幅な変更を受け、Legendary Skinとして公開される!
Mecha Tassadarは名前通りに、マウント状態では戦闘機に変形し戦場を飛び回る。
さらに、Mecha Tassadarのアビリティは見た目が新しくなり、モデルがアップデートされ、ビジュアルエフェクトがスキンテーマに見合ったものになる。
--Commander Raynorは多くのモデルアップデートを受けた。なかでも、ホルスターロジックに対処した。
--Wrath SonyaはHelm of Wrathをかぶり、 Quel'serrar and AshkandiとGreatsword of the Brotherhoodを装備した。
 Betrayer Malfurion -- Vengeful Roots (Talent)
 Crown Prince Arthas -- Death Coil (Q), Army of the Dead (R)
 Crypt King Tassadar -- Plasma Shield (Q)
 Festival Li Li -- Blinding Wind (E)
 Grunty Murky -- Slime (Q), Pufferfish (W), Spawn Egg (D), March of the Murlocs (R)
 Master Lost Vikings --  Basic Attack projectiles
 Infested Tychus
-Hero Abilities
The Lost VikingのLongboat Raid (R)が起動中に表示されるポートレートが追加された。
以下のHeroic Abilityは影響下のプレイヤースクリーンにオーバーレイを適用する。
 Anub’arak -- Web Blast (R)
 Stitches -- Gorge (R)
いくつかのHeroic Abilityは範囲がわかりやすくなるように見た目が変更された。
 Illidan – Metamorphosis (R)
 Li Li -- Jug of 1,000 Cups (R), Water Dragon (R)
 Raynor -- Hyperion (R)
 Arthas – Summon Sindragosa (R)
 Tassadar -- Dimensional Shift (E)
 Rehgar -- Earthgrasp Totem (Talent)
 Uther -- Boundless Conviction (Talent), Blessed Champion (Talent), Holy Shock (Talent), Redemption (Talent)
Battle Beastは追加アニメーションが洗練された。

**Menu Screens [#n9871aac]

加えて、Hero League画面も3Dアニメーションするようになった!

*Shop [#d1722675]

**Bundle Packs [#k390c0ce]

Ranger-General Sylvanasバンドルが期間限定で追加された。

**ヒーロー [#mc40b9bc]


**マウント [#ia1a8a7b]

The Cyber WolfとDire Wolfマウントが一時的に削除される。ただし、これからのパッチでまた戻ってくるだろう。
The Lunar Tiger and Magic Carpet Mounts have been added as individually purchasable items.

**Price Changes [#h17432a7]

Anub’arakの値段が$6.49 USD、4,000 Goldに値下げされた。

**Skins [#ue941cf9]

Ranger-General Sylvanasスキンが追加された。
-Legendary Skins
Mecha Tassadarが二つ目のLegendary Skinとして追加された。

**Sound [#pff9352d]

-Heroes and Skins

Mecha TassadarはセリフとサウンドエフェクトがLegendary Skinらしくなった。
Flying Monkey Brightwingスキンは猿っぽいセリフになった。

*Design and Gameplay [#uc1d8b2a]

**General [#ea11c2dc]

*In-game XP Changes [#yf6df279]

**Battlegrounds [#de4297d3]

-Blackheart’s Bay

Doubloon Chestのステータスバーが分けられた。それぞれのセグメントはDoubloonがスポーンした際に表示される。

-Dragon Shire

プレイヤーが操作するDragon KnightはDisableにより耐性を持つ。

-Haunted Mines

Grave GolemのHealthとダメージはもはや以下の条件では上昇しない。
--Haunted Minesが開いてから4分経過している。
--60 Skullが集められている。

-Garden of Terror

プレイヤーが操作するGarden TerrorはDisableにより耐性を持つ。
--Overgrowth (W)
今や、最大Healthの20%ではなく、70 (+7 per minute)ダメージをtick毎にミニオンと傭兵に与える。これは建物へ与えるダメージと同様である。

-Sky Temple





Gate, Tower, Town Hall,WallのHealthが約10%減少。

*Talent [#j4edb805]

**新一般Talent: Arcane Power (Level 20) [#dd7b1d1a]


**Blood for Blood [#f23cab9f]


**Healing Ward [#sb72c14a]


**Ice Block [#peedc0dd]


**Scouting Drone [#cea49be6]


*ヒーロー [#r32ee50f]

**Abathur [#z5bea330]

-Toxic Nest (W)
--Envenomed Nest (Talent)
--Prolific Dispersal (Talent)
今やToxic Nestのクールダウンを2秒減少させる。
--Vile Nest (Talent)
-Evolve Monstrosity (R)
-Ultimate Evolution (R)

**Azmodan [#sd3b5156]

-Globe of Annihilation (Q)
--Taste for Blood (Talent)

**Diablo [#f10bcb70]

-Apocalypse (R)
-Lightning Breath (R)
今やDiabloはキャスト時に向いている方向ではなく、マウスカーソルの方向へLightning Breathをキャストする。

**E.T.C. [#g1d2bf95]

Fury of the Storm (Talent)がHardened Shield (Talent)に変更された。

**Falstad [#vb243308]

ダメージが34 (+10 per level)から38 (+10 per level)に増加。
-Barrel Roll (E)
Barrel Rollのスピードが約50%増加。
--Flow Rider (Talent)
-Mighty Gust (R)
コストが100 Manaから70 Manaに減少

**Jaina [#h4a16122]
Arcane Power (Talent)がLevel 20に追加された。
Nexus Fury (Talent)が削除された。
-Improved Ice Block (Talent)
-新Talent (Level 20): Arcane Power
-Frostbite (Trait)
Chill状態は止められないユニット(Grave Golemのような)や建物にも適用される。
-Frostbolt (Q)
ダメージが45 (+14 per level)から50 (+15 per level)に増加。
-Blizzard (W)
ウェーブ毎のダメージが40 (+15 per level)から45 (+16 per level)に増加。
-Cone of Cold (E)
ダメージが50 (+17 per level)から55 (+18 per level)に増加。

**Kerrigan [#a21c2679]

-Ultralisk (R)
Ultraliskの操作方法がJainaのWater Elementalと同じになった。
**Li Li [#hec291d5]

-Healing Brew (Q)
AbathurのUltimate Evolutionクローン、NovaのHolo Decoysを回復することはなくなる。
-Jug of 1,000 Cups (R)
AbathurのUltimate Evolutionクローン、NovaのHolo Decoysを回復することはなくなる。

**Murky [#b47457c5]

Health regenが5 (+0.125 per level)から10 (+2.4 per level)に増加。
-新Talent (Level 4): Living the Dream!
10%のAbility Powerを獲得し、Murkyが生きていれば追加で5秒に1%ずつAbility Powerが増加し最大で25% Ability Powerとなる。死亡した場合この効果はリセットされる。
-Spawn Egg (D)
卵のHealthが105 (+15 per level)から110 (+30 per level)に増加。
--Assault Egg (Talent)
-Slime (Q)
Slimeのスタックダメージは止められないユニット(Grave Golemのような)にも適用される。
-Pufferfish (W)

**Nazeebo [#c3164a1a]

Gidbinn (Talent)はもはやVoodoo Ritualの効果時間を延長しない。
-Voodoo Ritual (Trait)
--Specialized Toxin (Talent)
-Plague of Toads (E)
--Toads of Hugeness (Talent)
-Gargantuan (R)
召喚時ダメージが35 (+15 per level)から100 (+20 per level)に増加。
初期Healthが1400 (+140 per level)から600 (+220 per level)に減少。
-Ravenous Spirit (R)
ダメージが25 (+9 per level)から30 (+8 per level)に変更。

**Raynor [#t4318722]

-Basic Attack
ダメージが35 (+11 per level)から35 (+12 per level)に増加。

**Sgt. Hammer [#s1ea0b74]

Healthが770 (+170 per level)から720 (+140 per level)に減少。

**Sonya [#f37dc4a9]

-Whirlwind (E)
Shot of Fury、Ferocious Healing, Nerves of Steel (以前のStoneskin)そしてIgnore Pain (以前のHardened Shield)
この変更の一環として、Sonya用の特殊な一般Talentであることを示すために、StoneskinとHardened ShieldはNerves of SteelとIgnore Painに名前が変更された。

**Stitches [#k78deab4]

Healthが1060 (+260 per level)から1060 (+230 per level)に減少。
-Vile Gas (Trait)
--Toxic Gas (Talent)
-Slam (W)
--Pulverize (Talent)
-Gorge (R)
--Hungry Hungry Stitches (Talent)
-Putrid Bile (R)
--Regenerative Bile (Talent)
今や追加でPutrid Bileに移動速度が10%増加する。

**Tassadar [#cc560ae8]

-Force Wall (R)
Force Wallは今までより50%早く形成される。

**The Lost Vikings [#wd635860]

-Lost Vikings用の特殊なFury of the StormがLevel 20に追加。
5秒毎に、次の通常攻撃が対象に10 (+4 per level)の追加ダメージを与え、周囲のミニオンと傭兵に10 (+11 per level)ダメージを与える。
-Longboat Raid (R)
ダメージが15 (+8 per level)から15 (+7 per level)に減少。

**Thrall [#i016e83f]

-Frostwolf Resilience (Trait)
--Mana Tide (Talent)
-Chain Lightning (Q)
-Windfury (E)
--Wind Shear (Talent)がLevel 1からLevel 7に変更。

**Tychus [#qf641a98]

Searing Attacks (Talent)はSizzlin’ Attacksに名前が変更された。
Giant Killer (Talent)はProblem Solverに名前が変更された。

**Tyrande [#cc49c0b3]

Shroud (Talent)は削除された。
Purging Mark (Talent)は削除された。
Bolt of the Storm (Talent)は削除された。
Focused Attack (Talent)がLevel 4に追加された。
Nexus Frenzy (Talent)がLevel 20に追加された。
Trueshot Aura (Talent)はLevel 7からLevel 16に変更された
-Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
Huntress' Fury (Talent)はLevel 16からLevel 13に変更された。
--Mark of Mending (Talent)
-Light of Elune (Q)
自身への回復量が45 (+10 per level)から60 (+14 per level)に増加。
味方への回復量が90 (+20 per level)から120 (+28 per level)に増加。
-Overflowing Light (Talent)はLevel 4からLevel 13に変更された。
-Sentinel (W)
Pierce (Talent)はLevel 1からLevel 4に変更された。
Empower (Talent)はLevel 4からLevel 1に変更された。
-Lunar Flare (E)
-Lunar Blaze (Talent)はLevel 13からLevel 7に変更された。

**Uther [#kb9468fe]

Burning Rage (Talent)
Sprint (Talent)は削除された。
Block (Talent)がLevel 1に追加された。
Amplified Healing (Talent)がLevel 4に追加された。
-新Talent (Level 7): Holy Fire
周囲の敵に毎秒8 (+1.6 per level)ダメージを与える。
-新Talent (Level 16): Benediction
-Basic Attack
--Hammer of the Lightbringer (Talent)
-Eternal Devotion (Trait)
Holy Devotion (Talent)は削除された。
Utherはもはや通常攻撃や通常アビリティをEternal Devotion中に使用できない。
代わりに、UtherはEternal Devotion中に新たなAbilityを獲得する。
-Flash of Light (Q)
味方を81 (+22.5 per level)Health回復する。クールダウン:1.5秒
-新Talent (Level 20): Redemption
Eternal Devotion終了後、Utherは魂のある場所で50%のHealthを持って復活する。この効果は180秒のクールダウンを持つ。
-Holy Light (Q)
Protect the Weak (Talent)が削除された。
--Reach (Talent)
今やHoly LightとFlash of Lightの射程を40%増加させる。
--Blessed Champion (Talent)はLevel 1からLevel 13に変更された。
Holy Lightキャスト後、次の通常攻撃は周囲の味方HeroをHoly Lightの回復量の30%回復する。
--Holy Shock (Talent)はLevel 16からLevel 13に変更された。
以前の効果に加えて、Holy Shockでダメージを与えると、Holy Lightのクールダウンが4秒解消される-Holy Radiance (W)
以前の効果に加えて、Holy Shockでダメージを与えると、Holy Lightのクールダウンが4秒解消される
-Holy Radiance (W)
-新Talent (Level 4): Boundless Conviction
--新Talent (Level 4): Boundless Conviction
Holy Radiance射程と幅が40%増加。
-Hammer of Justice (E)
Dense Weightstone (Talent)は削除された。
Rebuke (Talent)は削除された。
Fist of Justice (Talent)はLevel 4からLevel 1に変更された。
-新Talent (Level 7): Burden of Guilt
Hammer of Justiceのスタンが終了した後、2秒間対象の移動速度が30%減少する。
-Divine Shield (R)
--Bulwark of Light (Talent)の機能が変更された。
UtherはもはやこのTalnetによってDivine Shieldを獲得しない。
今や、Divine Shieldの効果時間を2秒延長し、クールダウンを20秒減少させる。
-Divine Storm (R)
--Divine Hurricane (Talent)

**Valla [#tbd2f36e]

Battle Momentum (Talent)は削除された。
-Hatred (Trait)
Hot Pursuit (Talent)はLevel 13からLevel 7に変更された。
-Vault (E)

**Zeratul [#g2d0cecf]

-Singularity Spike (W)
--Double Bombs (Talent)
-Void Prison (R)

*原文 [#s6cdc092]


    All players’ default Graphic Settings will be re-detected and reset following today’s patch, which may help to address a few performance issues that some players have been experiencing.
    Smaller physical memory caps have been introduced for both the 32-bit and 64-bit clients with today’s update, which should mitigate some memory-related issues and make the 64-bit client a more trusted option, even for PCs with less physical RAM.
    The “Network Spikes” indicator has been removed from the performance overlay (Ctrl + Alt + F).
        Network Spikes tracked a number of different metrics at once. While it could indicate performance issues, the number of spikes displayed could also be affected by issues with the local player’s computer, among other things.
        In order to avoid further confusion, the Network Spikes indicator has been removed, and will be replaced by additional performance metrics in a future update, which should help players better identify more common performance issues.
    For more information on some of these changes, please read the Performance section of our recent blog on Community Conversations.

New Battleground


Tomb of the Spider Queen, a brand new 3-lane Battleground, has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play in all game modes!

    Spider Minions and enemy Heroes will drop magical Gems of Power upon death.
        Collect these Gems and turn them in to the Spider Queen’s Altars, which can be found in-between lanes at the center of the Battleground.
    Once either team has relinquished enough Gems to the Spider Queen, her Webweavers will descend and travel down each lane to siege the opposing team on three fronts.
        Each team can summon Webweavers by turning in 50 Gems. The number of required Gems will increase by 5 for each subsequent wave.
        Be sure to turn in Gems promptly! Gems collected by a player will be dropped upon death, but can be picked up by allied Heroes.

New Hero

Sylvanas Windrunner has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play! Read on for a brief overview of her Abilities, and then check her out in Try Me Mode using the in-game Shop.

    Basic Abilities
        Withering Fire (Q)
            Shoot the closest enemy for 25 damage, preferring Heroes. Stores 5 charges.
        Shadow Dagger (W)
            Deals 10 damage, and an additional 40 damage over 2 seconds, to target unit. This effect spreads to nearby units.
        Haunting Wave (E)
            Send forth a wave of banshees, dealing 30 damage to all targets. Reactivate to teleport to the banshees’ location.
        Black Arrows
            Basic Attacks and Abilities stun Minions, Mercenaries, and Towers.
    Heroic Abilities
        Wailing Arrow (R)
            Shoot an arrow that explodes for 200 damage and silences enemies for 2.5 seconds. Can be reactivated to detonate the arrow early.
        Possession (R)
            Force an enemy Minion to fight for you. It gains 20% Attack Damage and Health.

User Interface


    Significantly reduced the likelihood that players will receive the same Battleground multiple times in a row when playing in matchmaking game modes.
    Requesting to join a party through a party member who is not the leader will now send a notification to that player. Additionally, the party leader will see which party member a join request was made through.

Progression System

    Hero Progression
        The maximum Hero Level has been increased from 10 to 20.
        New rewards have been added:
            1250 Gold at Hero Level 15
            2500 Gold at Hero Level 20
    Player Progression
        New rewards have been added:
            7 Day Stimpack at Player Level 10
            2,000 Gold at Player Levels 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
            Team League unlocked at Player Level 40
            Players who had already reached or surpassed the level requirement for these rewards prior to today’s patch will also receive them upon logging in to Heroes of the Storm.

Team League

    Initial implementation for Team League, the second mode of Ranked play in Heroes of the Storm, has been added to the game! Read on for an overview of the most competitive game mode in Heroes of the Storm, and then check out our recent Team League blog post for a much more in-depth look at the feature.
        With Team League, players can create named teams with dedicated rosters in order to participate in ranked, competitive Heroes of the Storm matches as a group against other teams of similar skill.
        In order to participate in Team League, players must meet the following requirements:
            Reach Level 40.
            Own 10 or more Heroes (weekly free rotation Heroes do not count toward this requirement.)
            Create or join a team that has at least five members logged in and ready to play in Team League.
    Team Creation and Management
        Navigate to the Team League Play Screen, click an empty team slot, enter a team name, and pay 1,000 Gold to create a new team.
            Players may participate in up to 3 teams at any given time.
        The Team League Screen will display all teams that a player is currently participating in, as well as each team’s current Rank, team name, and Win/Loss record.
            Using the “Roster” button, a team owner may invite up to 8 other players to join the team’s roster.
            In order to play Team League matches, five members from the same team must enter the queue together.
                Use the “Invite” dropdown to invite other players from the roster to queue for Team League matches.
        A “Ranked Teams” section has been added to the Player Profile.
            Click on any team to view additional stats for each player on the roster, such as wins, losses, highest rank achieved, and favorite hero.
            The team owner can also use this screen to add or remove members, as well as disband the team.
    Draft Mode
        Team League matches will use the “First Come, First Served” version of Draft Mode, rather than Hero League’s “Predetermined” Draft Mode.
            With First Come, First Served Draft Mode, players on each team are free to select Heroes in any order when it is their team’s turn to pick.
            A coin toss will still precede the draft phase, and teams will still alternate picking Heroes in 1-2-2-2-2-1 format.

Menu Navigation

        The menu navigation bar has been moved to the top of the screen.
        The Party Panel has been reworked and once again displays Player Portraits for all party members.
        Icons have been added next to the Party Panel, which more clearly indicate the current status of Stimpack and XP Bonuses.
        Players who receive penalties for leaving Hero League and Quick Match games will now see their flagged status indicated to them in the menu navigation bar at the top of the screen.
            Additionally, party members will now be better notified when they are partied with someone who has been flagged to receive penalties for leaving games early.
    Home Screen
        “Go to Shop” and “Try Hero” buttons have been added, which can be used to view information about the newest Hero or quickly start a game in Try Me Mode with that Hero directly from the Home Screen.
    Shop Screen
        Shop navigation tabs have been moved to the top of the screen.
        A “Featured” tab has been added, which will display items that are new to the Shop, or are currently on sale.
    Play Screen
        The “Change Mode” button has been removed.
        Game Mode buttons can now be found along the top edge of the Play Screen, and can be clicked to quickly switch among Game Modes.
        Hero League
            Heroes are now displayed on the Hero League Screen based on most wins, rather than most games played with those Heroes.
                Click any Hero listed on the Hero League Screen to view it in the Player Profile.
        Custom Games
            The “Choose Map” button has been removed and Battlegrounds can now be selected directly from the Custom Games Screen.
            A “Game Privacy” dropdown has been added to custom game lobbies. When a custom game is set to private, that game will not be recorded in players’ match histories.
    End of Game Score Screens
        The Rank, Quests, and Rewards tabs have been removed and incorporated into the Summary tab.
            Player Level, Hero Level, and Rank progress bars have been visually reworked and reorganized on the Summary tab.
            Daily Quest and progression rewards earned from the previous match are now displayed along the right edge of the Summary tab.
            Hover the mouse over Daily Quest and progression rewards, as well as XP, Ranked Points, and Gold totals to display tooltips that indicate how each was earned during the previous match.
            The Stats tab now mirrors the in-game TAB Screen, and includes details for Siege Damage, Hero Damage, Healing, and overall XP contribution during the previous match.

Ranked Play and Draft Mode

    Draft Mode Notification
        While tabbed out of Heroes of the Storm during a ranked queue, the player will be tabbed back into the client and a notification sound will play when a match is found.
        Additionally, players who tab out of the client after a draft begins will be notified and tabbed back in when it is their turn to pick a Hero.
    Rank and Point Changes
        The number of points earned from a ranked match will now vary more broadly based on skill difference between teams.
        As mentioned in the Menu Navigation section above, ranks, rank changes, and ranked points earned during the previous match are now listed on the end of game Summary screen.

Hero Select

    Click the currently selected Hero’s 3D model to bring up Hero Select.
        Filter buttons have been added which can be used to display Heroes by role and game universe.
        A search box has been added which can be used to filter Heroes by name, difficulty, and game universe.
        Icons have been added to indicate which game universe a Hero is from when mousing over that Hero’s portrait.
    The Skins, Mounts, and Hero Info panes have been reworked.
        The Hero Info pane has been replaced by two new buttons: Abilities and Talents.
            The Abilities pane now lists Basic Abilities, Trait, and Heroic Abilities on a single tab.
                Tooltips have been added which will display more detailed information about a Hero’s Abilities on mouseover.
            The Talents pane lists all of a Hero’s Talents, much as it did previously.
        The Skins and Mounts panes have received UI updates.
            Each of these panes can now display many additional items.
            Skin and Mount Variation buttons have been moved to the bottom of each pane.
        The Skins, Mounts, Abilities, and Talents buttons have received updated art.



    Many Hero Models have received minor animation and pose updates on Hero Select.


    Various Battleground assets have received additional optimization to help improve performance.
    The final Tutorial Battleground has received visual polish.

Heroes, Mounts, and Skins

    Legendary Skins
        Mecha Tassadar has received massive updates and has been re-released as a Legendary Skin!
            Mecha Tassadar will now, quite literally, transform into a fighter jet and fly across the battlefield while mounted.
            What’s more, all of Mecha Tassadar’s Basic and Heroic Abilities have received brand new art, updated models, and visual effects which much more closely match the Skin’s theme.
        Commander Raynor has received a significant model update. Among many other things, holster logic has been addressed.
        Wrath Sonya has donned the Helm of Wrath, and now also wields Quel'serrar and Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood.
        Several Hero Skins have received new art for certain Abilities and Talents, which more closely match that Skin’s theme:
            Betrayer Malfurion -- Vengeful Roots (Talent)
            Crown Prince Arthas -- Death Coil (Q), Army of the Dead (R)
            Crypt King Tassadar -- Plasma Shield (Q)
            Festival Li Li -- Blinding Wind (E)
            Grunty Murky -- Slime (Q), Pufferfish (W), Spawn Egg (D), March of the Murlocs (R)
            Master Lost Vikings --  Basic Attack projectiles
        Sonya’s Hero Select portrait has been updated.
        Tychus’ head model has received visual updates.
        Several Heroes and Skins have received improvements for their facial animations:
            Infested Tychus
    Hero Abilities
        A portrait has been added that will display while The Lost Viking’s Longboat Raid (R) is active.
        Victory and taunt animations have been added to a number of summoned units.
        The following Heroes have received new Ability icon art:
        The following Heroic Abilities will now apply an overlay to the affected player’s screen.
            Anub’arak -- Web Blast (R)
            Stitches -- Gorge (R)
        Several Hero Abilities have received updated art to make them more visually interesting, and more clearly indicate their area of effect radiuses:
            Illidan – Metamorphosis (R)
            Li Li -- Jug of 1,000 Cups (R), Water Dragon (R)
            Raynor -- Hyperion (R)
        The following Hero Abilities and Talents have received updated visual effects:
            Arthas – Summon Sindragosa (R)
            Tassadar -- Dimensional Shift (E)
            Rehgar -- Earthgrasp Totem (Talent)
            Uther -- Boundless Conviction (Talent), Blessed Champion (Talent), Holy Shock (Talent), Redemption (Talent)
        The Battle Beast has received additional animation polish.

Menu Screens

    The Home Screen has received a facelift, and is now 3D animated.
    The Hero Select screen has received completely new 3D art and visual effects!
    Additionally, the Hero League Play Screen is now 3D animated!


Bundle Packs

    The Ranger-General Sylvanas Bundle Pack has been added to the in-game Shop for a limited time.


    Sylvanas has been added to the in-game Shop!


    The Cyber Wolf and Dire Wolf Mounts have been temporarily removed, but will return to the Shop with a future update.
    The Lunar Tiger and Magic Carpet Mounts have been added as individually purchasable items.

Price Changes

    Anub’arak’s Real-money and Gold prices have been reduced to $6.49 USD and 4,000 Gold.


    A Master Skin has been added for Sylvanas.
    The Ranger-General Sylvanas Skin has been added to the in-game Shop.
    Legendary Skins
        Mecha Tassadar has received massive Art and Sound updates and has been re-released as the second Legendary Skin in Heroes of the Storm!
        Head to the in-game Shop and start a Try Me Mode game with Mecha Tassadar to check out all of the changes he has received with today’s update.


Heroes and Skins

    The Mecha Tassadar Skin has received entirely new voiceover and sound effects to match its transformation into a Legendary Skin!
    The Flying Monkey Brightwing Skin has received an entirely new monkey-themed voiceover set.

Design and Gameplay


    Several changes have been implemented which will prevent the cancellation of Ability casts when issuing Move commands, as well as when attempting to cast several Abilities in rapid succession.
        Additionally, these changes will result in heightened input responsiveness for most Ability casts.
    In-game XP Changes
        The in-game leveling curve has been adjusted slightly to slow down the first 10 team levels, though the amount of XP required to reach level 20 remains the same. 


Blackheart’s Bay

    Doubloon Chest status bars are now segmented, and each segment represents when a Doubloon will spawn.

Dragon Shire

    Player-controlled Dragon Knights are now more resistant to disable effects.

Haunted Mines

    Grave Golem Health and damage will no longer scale after either of the following conditions have been met:
        The Haunted Mines have been open for at least 4 minutes
        60 Skulls have been collected
        This change has been made in order to prevent situations in which a team would leave a single skull in the Haunted Mines in order to gain more Golem power. 
    The power difference between Lane Golems has been reduced in situations where there is a large skull-count disparity.
    High skull-count Lane Golem Health has been slightly reduced.
    The first round of Lane Golems have had their Health reduced.

Garden of Terror

    Player-controlled Garden Terrors are now more resistant to disable effects. 
    Movement Speed reduced to equal Hero Movement Speed
    Overgrowth (W)
        Overgrowth Health increased by 25%
        Now receives additional Health bonuses past the 15 minute mark
        Now deals 70 (+7 per minute) damage each tick to Minions and Mercenaries instead of 20% of their Maximum Health.  This is the same as the Structure damage.

Sky Temple

    Temple damage reduced by 10%


    Mercenary initial and scaling XP has been reworked.
    Mercenary Camp tooltips now indicate which Camps can be Bribed.


    Gate, Tower, Town Hall, and Wall Health reduced by approximately 10%.


New Generic Talent: Arcane Power (Level 20)

    Activate to gain 400 mana and 15% Ability Power for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
    Currently found only on Jaina

Blood for Blood

    This Talent has received a visual update. It should now be much easier to identify both the target and caster of Blood for Blood.

Healing Ward

    Duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds
    Heal amount reduced from 3% to 2% of max Health per second

Ice Block

    Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds
    Now dims out affected Heroes’ status bars

Scouting Drone

    Now has 2 charges
    Duration reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
    Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
    Placement range increased from 3 to 4
    The number of hits required to destroy a Scouting Drone have been increased from 1 to 2.

            	Assassin 	Specialist 	Support 	Warrior
             	Falstad 	Abathur 	Li Li 	Diablo
             	Jaina 	Azmodan 	Tassadar 	E.T.C.
             	Kerrigan 	Murky 	Tyrande 	Sonya
            	Raynor 	Nazeebo 	Uther 	Stitches
             	Thrall 	Sgt. Hammer 		
             	Tychus 	The Lost Vikings 		
     Return to Top


    Toxic Nest (W)
        Envenomed Nest (Talent)
            Damage increased from 30% to 50%
        Prolific Dispersal (Talent)
            Now also reduces the cooldown of Toxic Nest by 2 seconds
        Vile Nest (Talent)
            Slow increased from 40% to 50%
    Evolve Monstrosity (R)
        The Monstrosity now persists until it is killed.
    Ultimate Evolution (R)
        Cooldown reduced from 80 to 70 seconds
        Duration reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
        Clones now gain 20% Ability Power, 20% Basic Attack Damage, and 10% Movement Speed.



    Globe of Annihilation (Q)
        Taste for Blood (Talent)
            Now has a maximum damage cap of 500



    Apocalypse (R)
        Cooldown reduced from 120 to 100 seconds
    Lightning Breath (R)
        Diablo will now cast Lightning Breath in the direction of the cursor, rather than the direction he is facing at the time of the cast.



    Fury of the Storm (Talent) replaced with Hardened Shield (Talent)



    Basic Attack
        Damage increased from 34 (+10 per level) to 38 (+10 per level)
    Barrel Roll (E)
        Cooldown reduced from 16 to 14 seconds
        Barrel Roll speed increased by approximately 50%
        Flow Rider (Talent)
            Cooldown reduction increased from 35% to 40%
    Mighty Gust (R)
        Cost reduced from 100 to 70 Mana
        Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds



    Arcane Power (Talent) added at Level 20
    Nexus Fury (Talent) removed
    Improved Ice Block (Talent)
        Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds
    New Talent (Level 20): Arcane Power
        Activate to increase spell damage by 15% and restore 400 Mana for 5 seconds
    Frostbite (Trait)
        The Chilled effect will now apply to Unstoppable units (such as the Grave Golem), as well as Structures.
    Frostbolt (Q)
        Damage increased from 45 (+14 per level) to 50 (+15 per level)
    Blizzard (W)
        Damage per wave increased from 40 (+15 per level) to 45 (+16 per level)
    Cone of Cold (E)
        Damage increased from 50 (+17 per level) to 55 (+18 per level)



    Ultralisk (R)
        Ultralisk controls now mirror Jaina's Water Elemental.
            Press R and click the terrain to issue a Move command.
            Press R and click a unit to issue an Attack command on that target.


Li Li

    Healing Brew (Q)
        Will no longer heal Abathur’s Ultimate Evolution Clones or Nova’s Holo Decoys
    Jug of 1,000 Cups (R)
        Will no longer heal Abathur’s Ultimate Evolution Clones or Nova’s Holo Decoys



    Health Regeneration increased from 5 (+0.125 per level) to 10 (+2.4 per level)
    New Talent (Level 4): Living the Dream!
        Grants 10% Ability Power, and an additional 1% Ability Power for every 5 seconds that Murky is alive, up to a total of 25% Ability Power. Resets upon death.
    Spawn Egg (D)
        Murky’s Egg no longer grants experience to the enemy team or counts as half of a normal Hero Death.
        Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
        Egg Health increased from 105 (+15 per level) to 110 (+30 per level)
        Assault Egg (Talent)
            Bonus to Egg Health reduced from 200% to 150%
    Slime (Q)
        Slime's stacking damage now applies to Unstoppable units (such as the Grave Golem).
    Pufferfish (W)
        Casting time reduced by 75%



    Gidbinn (Talent) no longer increases the duration of Voodoo Ritual
    Voodoo Ritual (Trait)
        Specialized Toxin (Talent)
            Damage bonus from 200% to 100%
    Plague of Toads (E)
        Toads of Hugeness (Talent)
            Bonus damage per hop increased from 10% to 20%
    Gargantuan (R)
        Initial damage increased from 35 (+15 per level) to 100 (+20 per level)
        Initial health reduced from 1400 (+140 per level) to 600 (+220 per level)
        The Gargantuan A.I. has been improved.
        The Gargantuan no longer uses Stomp Ability automatically. Instead, Stomp can now be cast manually by pressing “R”, and has a 4.5 second cooldown.
    Ravenous Spirit (R)
        The Spirit’s area of effect  radius has been reduced by 25%.
        Damage changed from 25 (+9 per level) to 30 (+8 per level)



    Basic Attack
        Damage increased from 35 (+11 per level) to 35 (+12 per level)


Sgt. Hammer

    Health reduced from 770 (+170 per level) to 720 (+140 per level)



    Whirlwind (E)
        Sonya can now use the following Activated Talents while Whirlwind is channeling:
            Shot of Fury, Ferocious Healing, Nerves of Steel (formerly Stoneskin), and Ignore Pain (formerly Hardened Shield)
            As part of this change, Stoneskin and Hardened Shield have been renamed to Nerves of Steel and Ignore Pain in order to help reflect that they are Sonya-specific versions of their Generic Talent counterparts.



    Health reduced from 1060 (+260 per level) to 1060 (+230 per level)
    Vile Gas (Trait)
        Radius decreased by approximately 25%
        Damage scaling decreased from +2 per level to +1.5 per level
        Toxic Gas (Talent)
            Radius increased from 25% to 50%
            Damage over time effect duration reduced from 2 to 1 seconds
    Slam (W)
        Pulverize (Talent)
            The stun and bonus damage components of this Talent have been removed.
            Now reduces cooldown of Slam by 2 seconds
            Slows enemies hit by 75% for 1 second
    Gorge (R)
        Hungry Hungry Stitches (Talent)
            Duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
            Now removes the Movement Speed slow from Gorge
    Putrid Bile (R)
        Regenerative Bile (Talent)
            Now increases Movement Speed by an additional 10% while Putrid Bile is active



    Force Wall (R)
        Cost reduced from 75 to 35 Mana
        Force Wall now forms 50% faster


The Lost Vikings

    A Lost Vikings-specific version of the Fury of the Storm Talent has been added at Level 20.
        Every 5 seconds, the next Basic Attack will deal an additional 10 (+4 per level) damage to the target, and 10 (+11 per level) damage to all nearby Minions and Mercenaries.  Each Viking has a separate cooldown.
    Longboat Raid (R)
        Damage reduced from 15 (+8 per level) to 15 (+7 per level)



    Frostwolf Resilience (Trait)
        Scaling heal increased from +23 per level to +30 per level
        Mana Tide (Talent)
            Mana restoration reduced from 20 to 15
    Chain Lightning (Q)
        Mana cost increased from 35 to 40
        Scaling damage increased from +15 per level to +17 per level
    Windfury (E)
        Cost increased from 50 to 65 Mana
        Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%
        Wind Shear (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 7
            Now reduces Windfury’s cooldown by 4 seconds rather than 3



    Several of Tychus’ Generic Talents have been renamed, but their functionality has not changed:
        Searing Attacks (Talent) has been renamed to Sizzlin’ Attacks
        Giant Killer (Talent) has been renamed to Problem Solver



    A significant number of Tyrande’s Talents have been rearranged.
    Shroud (Talent) removed
    Purging Mark (Talent) removed
    Bolt of the Storm (Talent) removed
    Focused Attack (Talent) added at Level 4
    Nexus Frenzy (Talent) added at Level 20
    Trueshot Aura (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 16
        Basic Attack damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%
        Attack Speed bonus removed
    Hunter’s Mark (Trait)
        Huntress' Fury (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
        Mark of Mending (Talent)
            Heal amount increased from 2% to 2.5% of the attacker’s maximum Health
    Light of Elune (Q)
        Cooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds
        Self-healing increased from 45 (+10 per level) to 60 (+14 per level)
        Ally healing increased from 90 (+20 per level) to 120 (+28 per level)
        Overflowing Light (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 13
            Heal bonus reduced from 40% to 35%
            Health requirement for Tyrande reduced from 90% to 50%
    Sentinel (W)
        Pierce (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
        Empower (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
    Lunar Flare (E)
        Radius increased by 20%
        Lunar Blaze (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
            Radius increase removed



    Uther has received a significant Talent update.
    Burning Rage (Talent) removed
    Sprint (Talent) removed
    Block (Talent) added at Level 1
    Amplified Healing (Talent) added at Level 4
    New Talent (Level 7): Holy Fire
        Deals 8 (+1.6 per level) damage per second to nearby enemies
    New Talent (Level 16): Benediction
        Activate to reduce the cost of the next Basic Ability cast by 50 Mana, and its cooldown by 10 seconds.
    Basic Attack
        Hammer of the Lightbringer (Talent)
            Mana restored per hit increased from 5 to 8
    Eternal Devotion (Trait)
        Holy Devotion (Talent) removed
        The functionality of this Trait has changed significantly.
        Uther can no longer use his Basic Attack or his Abilities while in Eternal Devotion form.
        Instead, Uther gains a new Ability while in Eternal Devotion form:
            Flash of Light (Q)
                Heal an ally for 81 (+22.5 per level) Health. 1.5 second cooldown.
        New Talent (Level 20): Redemption
            After Eternal Devotion ends, Uther will resurrect at the location of his spirit with 50% Health. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.
    Holy Light (Q)
        Range has been decreased by 12.5%
        Protect the Weak (Talent) removed
        Reach (Talent)
            Now increases the range of Holy Light and Flash of Light by 40%
        Blessed Champion (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 13
            The functionality of this Talent has changed.
            After casting Holy Light, the next Basic Attack heals nearby allied Heroes for 30% of Holy Light's healing amount.
        Holy Shock (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
            In addition to its previous effects, Holy Shock now also reduces the cooldown of Holy Light by 4 seconds when it is used to deal damage.
    Holy Radiance (W)
        Length reduced by 16%
        New Talent (Level 4): Boundless Conviction
            Increases the length and width by of Holy Radiance by 40%
    Hammer of Justice (E)
        Dense Weightstone (Talent) removed
        Rebuke (Talent) removed
        Fist of Justice (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
        New Talent (Level 7): Burden of Guilt
            After Hammer of Justice's stun fades, the target's Movement Speed is slowed by 30% for 2 seconds.
    Divine Shield (R)
        Bulwark of Light (Talent) functionality has changed.
            Uther no longer gains a Divine Shield when using this Talent.
            Now increases Divine Shield’s duration by 2 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 20 seconds
    Divine Storm (R)
        Divine Hurricane (Talent)
            Bonus to stun radius decreased from 100% to 50%



    Battle Momentum (Talent) removed
    Hatred (Trait)
        Hot Pursuit (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
    Vault (E)
        Valla is no longer Unstoppable while using Vault.



    Singularity Spike (W)
        Double Bombs (Talent)
            The second bomb now deals 50% damage.
    Void Prison (R)
        Now dims out affected Heroes’ status bars

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