Item アイテム/Event Item イベントアイテム のバックアップの現在との差分(No.13)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
TITLE:Event Item イベントアイテム

***Brick Hammer &color(#800000){&size(12){ ブロックハンマー};}; [#of9b94b8]

***Hammer &color(#800000){&size(12){ ハンマー};}; [#lb8fdff4]
-Use it smash an Egg and receive rewards.
-''Disassemble'': Disassemble 1 item to get Mini Resource Chest

***Wishing Coins &color(#800000){&size(12){ 願いのコイン};}; [#j5e8c050]
-Dwarf's Lucky Apple Items (Expires 3 days after event ends.)
-&color(#800000){&size(12){ドワーフのラッキーアップルアイテム (イベント終了後3日でなくなります。)};};
***Dwarf's Delicious Pie &color(#800000){&size(12){ ドワーフのおいしいパイ};}; [#e1a55744]
-The mysterious witch's favorite (Expires 3 days after event ends.)
//-&color(#800000){&size(12){ };};
-&color(#800000){&size(12){謎の魔女のお気に入り (イベント終了後3日でなくなります。)};};
***Garuda's Feather &color(#800000){&size(12){ ガルーダの羽};}; [#ka1d20b0]
-Use it to summon a Junior Garuda near the Main City. (The item cannot be used outside the event time.)
***Common Fenrir's Fang &color(#800000){&size(12){ ノーマルなフェンリルの牙};}; [#yd07a905]
-Use it summon a Common Fenrir near the Main City. (The Boss can only be rallied to attack.
***Sharp Fenrir's Fang &color(#800000){&size(12){ するどいフェンリルの牙};}; [#g9300ea7]
-Use it summon a Furious Fenrir near the Main City. (The Boss can only be rallied to attack.

**Traded Goods [#o5e26e1d]
***Jewelry  &color(#800000){&size(12){ 宝飾品};}; [#fe61f72d]
-Jewelry from Europe - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
//-&color(#800000){&size(12){ };};
***Perfume  &color(#800000){&size(12){ 香水};}; [#b4883ae0]
-Perfume from Arabia - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
-&color(#800000){&size(12){アラビアの香水 - 貿易商品 (イベント終了後3日で期限が切れます。)};};
***Green Tea  &color(#800000){&size(12){ 緑茶};}; [#f6abb212]
-Green Tea from Japan - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
-&color(#800000){&size(12){日本の緑茶 - 貿易商品 (イベント終了後3日で期限が切れます。)};};
***Silk  &color(#800000){&size(12){ 絹};}; [#uc39bd14]

***Booze  &color(#800000){&size(12){ 強い酒};}; [#r870cca5]
-Strong booze from Russia - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
-&color(#800000){&size(12){ロシアの強い酒 - 貿易商品 (イベント終了後3日で期限が切れます。)};};
***Korean Ginseng   &color(#800000){&size(12){ 朝鮮人参};}; [#y62f8809]
-Korean Ginseng from Korea  - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
-&color(#800000){&size(12){韓国のチョウセンニンジン - 貿易商品 (イベント終了後3日で期限が切れます。)};};
***American Gold Eagle   &color(#800000){&size(12){ アメリカンゴールデンイーグル};}; [#q47223b8]
//-Korean Ginseng from Korea  - Traded Goods (Expires 3 days after event ends. )
//-&color(#800000){&size(12){韓国のチョウセンニンジン - 貿易商品 (イベント終了後3日で期限が切れます。)};};
***Bat Orange &color(#800000){&size(12){ コウモリ(オレンジ)};}; [#za0162a1]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Candle Green &color(#800000){&size(12){ ロウソク(グリーン)};}; [#m14bbc68]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Magic Hat Purple &color(#800000){&size(12){ 魔法の帽子(パープル)};}; [#i2a41d32]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Magic Potion Blue &color(#800000){&size(12){ 魔法の薬(ブルー)};}; [#k7a27f7d]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)

***Death Cloak Red &color(#800000){&size(12){ 死のマント(レッド)};}; [#d9b51c52]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)


**Lucky Composing item [#x1276d22]
***Green Gift Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ギフトカード・グリーン};}; [#h24dc290]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Blue Gift Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ギフトカード・ブルー};}; [#c29f99f2]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Purple Gift Card [#accb9e87]
***Purple Gift Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ギフトカード・パープル};};  [#accb9e87]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Orange Gift Card [#nde786f7]
***Orange Gift Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ギフトカード・オレンジ};};  [#nde786f7]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Red Gift Card [#c4821a8b]
***Red Gift Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ギフトカード・レッド};};  [#c4821a8b]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)

***Green Wine Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ワインカード・グリーン};}; [#m14bbc68]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Blue Wine Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ワインカード・ブルー};}; [#i2a41d32]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Purple Wine Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ワインカード・パープル};}; [#k7a27f7d]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Orange Wine Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ワインカード・オレンジ};}; [#za0162a1]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)
***Red Wine Card &color(#800000){&size(12){ ワインカード・レッド};}; [#d9b51c52]
-A Lucky Composing item that can used to compose a Lucky Box.(The item disappears in 3 days since the event ends.)

***Subordinate City Clue &color(#800000){&size(12){ 属州都市の手がかり};}; [#if2256e3]
-Put it in the Pool to get Clue Rewards, as well as a chance to get the Subordinate City Key. (The item will disappear 3 days after the event ends.)
-&color(#800000){&size(12){抽選箱に入れると手がかりリワードがもらえ、さらに抽選で属州都市の鍵が手に入るチャンスがあります。 (このアイテムはイベント終了後3日で消滅します。)};};

***Viking Poleaxe &color(#800000){&size(12){ ヴァイキングの戦斧};}; [#q5b7b52a]
-Use it to ask for help from Alliance members in Viking Trial. (The item will disappear 3 days after the event ends.)

//Barbarian Flag &color(#800000){&size(12){ バーバリアンの旗};};