Event Center イベントセンター のバックアップソース(No.9)

*Monarch Competition &color(#800000){&size(16){王の対決};}; [#b2ee8a58]
-Ranking aside, let's make sure we get the three score goals.
~The higher the keep level, the more score you need to reach the goal. Probably.
**City Development &color(#800000){&size(12){都市開発};}; [#b28a2599]
-A score is earned on completion of the construction.
-You also get a score when you complete a research project, but this has not been confirmed.
-Change the crown of your Monarch gear to a strength crown before you start building.
**Troop Competition &color(#800000){&size(12){部隊の訓練};}; [#vc53a73b]
**Monster Kill &color(#800000){&size(12){モンスター狩り};}; [#oac6326e]
-Normal monsters are more efficient than boss monsters.
~However, when a Viking event is being held at the same time, it is more efficient to defeat Vikings up to level 35. 
~Vikings are boss monsters.
~Vikings of level 36 and above do not receive a score.
~You can also score points by rallying, so be proactive and participate in rallies.
~Vikings were no longer counted as monsters in monster hunts.
~ &color(#800000){&size(12){基本的にはノーマルモンスターのほうが効率が良いです。(レイド時間を待たずに攻撃でき、より高いレベルのモンスターを少ないスタミナで倒せるため。)};};
~ &color(#800000){&size(12){しかしヴァイキングチャレンジが同時開催しているときはレベル35までのヴァイキングを狙いましょう。ヴァイキングはボスモンスター扱いで、近くに沸き、比較的倒しやすく、スタミナ消費も10で済みます。};};
~ &color(#800000){&size(12){なお、レベル36以降のヴァイキングにはモンスター狩りのスコアは付きません。レイドでも同等のスコアがつくので、積極的にレイドに参加しましょう。};};
**Resource Gathering &color(#800000){&size(12){資源回収};};[#z51a6be8]
-City Buff → Increase all resources gathering speed 
**Power Increase &color(#800000){&size(12){パワーの向上};}; [#waa7b1ff]
-Leveling up of monarchs and generals : If possible, Monarch EXP and General EXP should be used during this event. Make sure you calculate it properly. If you use all of them and still don't level up, I wouldn't use them.
-Star granting for generals : 
-Completing a building : 
-Training troops : 
-Research : 
-Monarch Gear and General Gear power-ups do not count towards points in this event. Therefore, they can be powered up frequently whenever you want.
-The leveling up of genus cities has not been confirmed. There may be other ways to increase their power. 
*Viking Challenge &color(#800000){&size(16){ヴァイキングチャレンジ};}; [#xc148b0b]
*Hydra Invasion &color(#800000){&size(16){ヒドラ襲来};}; [#w0dfb9ef]
*Royal Thief &color(#800000){&size(16){王家をねらう盗賊};}; [#j94f1f5b]
*Boss Monster Event &color(#800000){&size(16){ボスモンスターイベント};}; [#o17a9a11]
*Historic City Searching &color(#800000){&size(16){歴史都市をさがして};}; [#l89a3e0e]

*Garuda Trial &color(#800000){&size(16){ガルーダトライアル};}; [#u3322a74]

*Strong Drink &color(#800000){&size(16){強い酒};}; [#qd0dddf0]
*Legion Hunting &color(#800000){&size(16){大群狩り};}; [#rcc698a6]
~ &color(#800000){&size(12){このイベントは24時間で更新します。ここでもヴァイキングが大活躍。};};
*Server War &color(#800000){&size(16){サーバー戦争};}; [#r13d122e]
*World Boss &color(#800000){&size(16){ワールドボス};}; [#id4386e0]
*Undead Invasion &color(#800000){&size(16){アンデッドの侵略};}; [#l414e161]
*City of Throne [#v797be18]
*Weekend Purchase Event [#hdbbd23f]
*Battle of Constantinople [#ae473bef]