パッチノート/Closed Beta Patch Notes 2015/02/10 のバックアップソース(No.2)


*新ヒーロー [#z6b267cc]

The Lost Vikings, (Olaf, Baleog, and Erik)がNexusのポータルに落っこちてきて、プレイ可能になりました!

The Lost Vikingsは3体のヒーローで1つのヒーローになっています!

*ユーザーインターフェース [#r701c2a2]
**General [#o50c8234]

今回のパッチでもTeam Leagueは無効化されたままです。プレイヤーレベルが40に達したプレイヤーがTeam Leagueに参加する資格を得ます。これはプレイヤープロフィール、クエストログ、スコアスクリーンに表示されますが、Team Leagueはこれからのパッチでリリースされるまでは無効化されたままです。

**ゲーム内コミュニケーション [#abd1feac]

        The Emote Menu (Y).

**クエストログ [#bb749116]


**プレイヤープロフィール [#zf4e533b]

-Profile Summaryタブが有効化されました。
--プレイヤーはこのタブでHeroes of the Stormアカウントの概要を知ることができます。例えば、直近の勝利、最もプレイしたヒーロー、トータルヒーローレベル、ランクマッチの勝率、ロールごとのプレイ回数、他にもたくさんあります!
-RewardsタブはPlayer Progressionに名前が変わりました。
-Hero ProgressタブはHero Collectionに名前が変わりました。
--Hero Progressは見た目が変更され、より多くのヒーローを一度に確認できるようになり、次のレベルまでの進行状況も確認できるようになりました。
--加えて、Hero Collectionタブのヒーローポートレートをクリックすると、現在のヒーローレベルと報酬の進捗とともにヒーローの3Dモデルが表示されます。
-Match Historyタブが有効化されました。
このタブでHeroes of the Stormでの自身の統計データを確認できます。例えば、最もテイクダウンを獲得したヒーロー、最も死亡したヒーロー、合計ゲームプレイ数、Battlegroundごとの勝率といったものです。
--Portrait Selectionは削除され、このタブに統合されました。前よりも簡単にポートレートを選択できるようになりました。

*ゲームリーブのペナルティ [#s94d7060]

進行中のQuick MatchとHero Leagueから退出した時のトラッキングとペナルティが変更になりました。
-複数回Hero LeagueかQuick Matchから退出しリコネクトがなかった場合、以下のペナルティが与えられると警告を出すようになります。
--警告されたプレイヤーはQuick Matchを完了するまでHero Leagueをプレイすることができなくなります。
---さらにゲームを退出すると必要なQuick Matchの数が増加します。
---Quick Matchゲームを探すときに、警告されたプレイヤーは同程度のゲームを退出したプレイヤーとチームを組まされます。
---この方法で罰せられたプレイヤーがHero Leagueでプレイできるようになりリーバーでないチームメイトとゲームをするには、指定された分だけQuick Matchをこなせば良いだけです(そしてゲームを退出するのをやめる)。
---Hero Leagueをドラフトモード中に退出した場合、退出したプレイヤーのみがペナルティと警告を受けます。もはや残ったパーティメンバーがペナルティを受けることはありません。

*Art [#xae973a3]

**Battlegrounds [#z7c172a7]

破壊された際に、CoreはクリスタルではなくNexus coinを作り出します。
        Grave Golems
        The Garden Terror
        The Sky Temple Boss
-Sky TempleのWatchtowerは見た目が変更されました。

**ヒーロー、マウント、スキン [#r07ad725]

Hearthstone (B)は見た目が変更さました。
        Elder Chenとそのバリエーション。
        Grunty Murkyとそのバリエーションはアップデートされました。
            加えて、Grunty Murkyは新品のテランパワーアーマーにそわそわして居ます、そしてもっと気持ち悪い武器(?)Zerg Larvaを使うために魚を捨てました。
        Pajamathur Abathur
        Skelethur Abathur
        Grunty Murky
        Big Top Gazlowe -- Rock-It! Turret (Q), Deth Lazor (W), Xplodium Charge (E)
        War World Sgt. Hammer -- Spider Mines (Q), Blunt Force Gun (R)
        Medic Uther -- Holy Light (Q), Holy Radiance (W), Hammer of Justice (E)
        Desert Queen Zagara ? Baneling Barrage (Q), Hunter Killer (W), and Infested Drop (E)
        Ronin Zeratul -- Singularity Spike (W), Blink (E)
        Chen -- Storm, Earth, Fire (R)
        Gazlowe -- Deth Lazor (W)
        Nazeebo -- Ravenous Spirit (R)
        Raynor -- Basic Attack, Relentless Leader (Talent), Scorched Earth (Talent)
        Fury of the Storm (Level 20 generic Talent)
        Anub’arak’s Scarabs
        Arthas’ Ghouls
        Jaina’s Water Elemental
        Kerrigan’s Ultralisk
        Nova’s Holo Decoys
        Zagara’s Mutalisk and Nydus Worm

*Shop [#c599d148]

**Bundle Packs [#vf9333f4]
The Pajama Party Lost Vikings Bundleが期間限定でShopに追加されます。

**Heroes [#t9074c32]

The Lost VikingsがShopに追加されます!

*Skins [#m2eea138]

The Lost VikingsのMasterスキンが追加されます。
The Pajama Party Lost VikingsスキンがShopに追加されます。

*Sound [#z5a36c60]

**ヒーローとスキン [#rc861f55]
        Betrayer Malfurion
        Crypt King Tassadar
        Big Top Gazlowe
        Ronin Zeratul

*Design and Gameplay [#hed65643]

**General [#r088a120]

-MurkyとThe Lost Vikingsの死亡数は0.25倍した分がスコアスクリーンに表示され、MurkyとThe Lost Vikingsの一体を殺した時の経験値は他のヒーローの25%となります。

*Battlegrounds [#g8f365db]

**General [#i80f773b]

Battlegroundアイテム(Doubloons, Skulls, Seeds, Regeneration Globes)を集めるときの反応が良くなりました。

**建物 [#s2f63bbd]


*Talent [#rcfbd564]


    All Heroes (including Murky and The Lost Vikings) now count as full credit toward Talents which require Hero kills (such as Gathering Power).

Level 20 Talent Changes

    Swift Storm has been removed
        Has been moved from Level 13 to Level 20
        Has been removed from many Heroes
        Found on the following Heroes:
            Anub'arak, Arthas, Brightwing, Nova, Malfurion, Muradin, Murky, Tassadar, Tyrande, Rehgar, Zeratul
    Four new Talents have been added at Level 20 for a number of Heroes:
        Nexus Blades
            Provides 20% increased Attack Damage, and Basic Attacks slow enemies by 20% for 1 second
            Found on the following Heroes:
                Illidan, Kerrigan, Sonya, Thrall, Tyrael, Zeratul
        Nexus Frenzy
            Increases both Attack Speed and Basic Attack range by 20%
            Found on the following Heroes:
                Jaina, Raynor, Sgt. Hammer, Tychus, Valla
        Hardened Shield
            Activate to reduce all incoming damage by 75% for 4 seconds; 60 second cooldown
            Found on the following Heroes:
                Anub’arak, Arthas, Chen, E.T.C., Gazlowe, Muradin, Sonya, Stitches, Tyrael
        Fury of the Storm
            Every 5 seconds, the next Basic Attack will deal an additional 200 damage to the primary target, and 500 damage to each nearby Minion or Mercenary.
            Found on the following Heroes:
                Gazlowe, Nazeebo, Sgt. Hammer, The Lost Vikings, Zagara

Calldown: MULE

    Multiple M.U.L.E.s can no longer repair the same structure.
    Duration reduced from 60 to 40 seconds; Cooldown remains 60 seconds
    M.U.L.E.s now restore ammunition more quickly.
    M.U.L.E. Health is now 140 (+43 per level), rather than remaining at 500 Health for the duration of the match.

Gathering Power

    Initial Ability Power amount reduced from 8% to 5%
    Maximum Ability Power bonus reduced from 20% to 15%

Ice Block

    Ability cooldowns will now continue to run, and persistent auras will continue to take effect, throughout Ice Block’s duration (this was added with the previous patch).

Regeneration Master

    Now grants 4 Health regeneration upon learning the Talent

     Return to Top

Technical Designer John "Johnzee" Hodgson and the balance team posted their thoughts behind some of today's changes in the Closed Beta Hero Feedback forum. Click here to read up on and discuss these changes.
            	Assassin 	Specialist 	Support 	Warrior
             	Illidan 	Abathur 	Brightwing 	Anub'arak
             	Kerrigan 	Murky 	Rehgar 	Arthas
             	Raynor 	Sgt. Hammer 		Chen

             	Tychus 			Muradin
             	Zeratul 			Sonya
     Return to Top



    Evolve Monstrosity (R)
        Minion Stack bonus increased from 4% to 5% Health and Damage.
        Monstrosity Health increased from 600 (+60 per level) to 600 (+72 per level).
        Monstrosity now takes 50% less damage from Minions and Structures.



    Basic Attack
        Locust Needles (Talent) damage increased from 35% to 50%
    Impale (Q)
        Stun duration decreased from 1.25 to 1 second

    Harden Carapace (W)
        Persistent Carapace (Talent)
            Duration bonus increased from 2 to 3 seconds
        Chitinous Plating (Talent)
            Shield bonus reduced from 50% to 40%

    Burrow Charge (E)
        Cooldown increased from 14 to 16 seconds
        Epicenter (Talent)
            Impact area and Damage bonuses reduced from 100% to 85%

    Web Blast (R)
        Duration increased from 5 to 8 seconds
        Cooldown increased from 45 to 60 seconds
        Cryptweave (Talent)
            Now channels for 4 seconds to increase the duration of Web Blast for 4 seconds. Usable once per Web Blast cast



    Envenom (Talent) removed
    Frozen Wastes (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
    Eternal Hunter (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
    Basic Attack
        Rune Tap (Talent)
            Heal amount reduced from 4% to 3% of maximum Health
    Frostmourne Hungers (Trait)
        Obliterate (Talent)
            Search radius increased by 25%
    Death Coil (Q)
        Mana Cost decreased from 55 to 50
    Howling Blast (W)
        Mana cost decreased from 75 to 70
        Frost Presence (Talent)
            Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 3 seconds
    Frozen Tempest (E)
        Mana drain increased from 12 to 15 per second
        Radius increased by approximately 15%
        Initial damage per second increased from 20 to 26
        Scaling damage increased from 3 to 4
        Frozen Wastes (Talent)
            No longer increases Frozen Tempest’s radius
            Now decreases Frozen Tempest’s Mana cost by 3 per second
        Biting Cold (Talent)
            No longer increases Frozen Tempest’s Mana cost
            Scaling damage increased from 5.5 to 6
    Summon Sindragosa (R)
        Cooldown decreased from 90 to 80 seconds
        Slow duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds
        Absolute Zero (Talent)
            Hero root duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
            Hero slow duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
    Army of the Dead (R)
        Cooldown increased from 90 to 100 seconds
        Initial Ghoul heal reduced from 150 to 104
        Scaling Ghoul heal reduced from 30 to 24
        Legion of Northrend (Talent)
            Ghoul duration bonus changed from a 50% increase to a 5 second increase
            Now increases Ghoul heal by 25%



    Starting Health decreased from 775 to 750
    Scaling Health decreased from 140 to 130
    Rewind (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 20
    Bolt of the Storm (Talent) removed
    Phase Shift (Z)
        Cooldown increased from 30 to 45 seconds
        Phase Shield (Talent)
            Shield scaling increased from 25 to 50 per level
    Polymorph (W)
        Mana Cost increased from 60 to 75
    Pixie Dust (E)
        Buff duration decreased from 4 to 3 seconds
        Movement Speed bonus decreased from 25% to 20%
        Block charges granted reduced from 2 to 1
        Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10 seconds
        Mana Cost reduced from 75 to 60



    The color of Chen’s Brew resource bar has been changed to yellow.
    Swift Reflexes (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 4
    Basic Attack
        Attack Speed increased by 11%
    Fortifying Brew (Trait)
        Last Drop (Talent) removed
        Bottomless Mug (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
        Chug (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 16
        Combat Stance (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 7
        Starting Brew regeneration increased from 30 to 40 Brew per second upon activation
        Bolder Flavor (Talent)
            Moved from Level 7 to Level 16
            Shield regeneration rate and maximum Shield amount increased from 33% to 40%
        Brewmaster’s Balance (Talent)
            Health regeneration bonus increased from 5 (+1 per level) to 10 (+1.5 per level)
            Movement Speed bonus increased from 15% to 20%
            Health regeneration and Movement Speed Bonuses have been swapped
                While at or below 50 Brew, gain 20% Movement Speed
                While at or above 50 Brew, regenerate an additional 10 (+1.5 per level) Health per second
    Flying Kick (Q)
        Deadly Strike (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
        Pressure Point (Talent)
            Moved from Level 7 to Level 16
            No longer roots the target for 1 second, and instead applies a 90% slow for 1 second
        Combination Attack (Talent)
            Attack damage bonus decreased from 200% to 100%
    Keg Smash (W)
        Keg Toss (Talent)
            Moved from Level 16 to Level 7
            Range bonus reduced from 200% to 125%
    Breath of Fire (E)
        Combustion (Talent) removed
        Deep Breath (Talent)
            Increases for Breath of Fire’s range and arc changed from 20% to 30%
        Ring of Fire (Talent)
            Damage scaling increased from 2 to 2.5
    Storm, Earth, Fire (R)
        Elemental Conduit (Talent)
            Spirit timed life decreased from 5 to 4 seconds
            Spirit generation cooldown decreased from 9 to 4 seconds



    Basic Attack
        Scaling damage increased from 7 to 11
    Shadow Charge (Q)
        The pushback distance on the target is now consistent, which should allow for more fluid combos with Overpower.
        Can now be used on Structures without potentially landing inside of them
    Fire Stomp (W)
        Now orients according to cardinal directions with respect to the direction that Diablo is currently facing
        The number of fire waves created by Fire Stomp has been reduced from 10 to 8.
    Overpower (E)
        Issuing additional commands after casting Overpower should now be much more responsive.



    Executioner (Talent) removed



    Executioner (Talent) removed
    Ravage (Q)
        Siphoning Impact (Talent)
            Heal amount increased from 5% to 10% of maximum Health
    Impaling Blades (W)
        Starting damage decreased from 125 to 110
        Scaling damage increased from 20 to 22
    Primal Grasp (E)
        Psionic Pulse (Talent)
            Base damage tick increased from 3 to 6
            Scaling damage tick increased from .65 to 1.2



    Stormbolt (Q)
        Sledgehammer (Talent)
            400% damage bonus now also affects Mercenaries
    Haymaker (R)
        Casting time slightly reduced



    Murky will now lose Kill Streak flames any time he is killed, even if an Egg has been placed prior to death.
    Gathering Power (Talent) removed
    Spawn Egg (Trait)
        Egg placement cooldown reduced from 45 to 20 seconds
        The amount of time Murky is revealed after his Egg is killed has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
        Spawn Egg’s placement cooldown after Murky’s Egg is destroyed has been decreased from 20 to 15 seconds.
    Pufferfish (W)
        Slimy Pufferfish (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 16
        Compressed Air (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
        Wrath of Cod (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
    Safety Bubble (E)
        Rejuvenation Bubble (Talent)
            Now restores 50% Health, rather than all Health



    Raynor has received a significant Talent update.
    Searing Attacks (Talent) removed
    Mercenary Lord (Talent) added at Level 7
    New Talent (Level 1): Raynor's "Recruitment"
        This is an improved version of the Bribe Talent that requires only 15 stacks to bribe a Mercenary instead of 20.
    New Talent (Level 16): Relentless Leader
        Raynor gains 50% Crowd Control reduction.
        Additionally, once every 5 seconds, Raynor will knock back nearby enemies if he becomes stunned.
    New Talent (Level 20): A Card to Play
        Raynor’s Heroic Ability cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds whenever any Hero (ally or enemy) is killed.
    Lead From the Front (Trait) removed
    Advanced Optics (Talent) has been converted into Raynor's new Trait.
        Now also increases Raynor’s vision by 10%
        New Talent (Level 13): Puttin' On a Clinic
            Reduces Ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds whenever an enemy that was recently damaged by Raynor is destroyed
    Basic Attack
        Damage reduced from 40 (+12 per level) to 35 (+11 per level)
    Penetrating Round (Q)
        New Talent (Level 4): Confident Aim
            Penetrating Round’s cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds upon striking an enemy Hero.
        New Talent (Level 7): Hamstring Shot
            Upon impact, Penetrating Round slows enemies by 20% for 3 seconds.
        New Talent (Level 13): Double Barreled
            Penetrating Round becomes charge-based, with a maximum of 2 charges.
    Inspire (W)
        Attack damage bonus removed
        Attack Speed bonus increased from 15% to 25%
            Nearby allies still benefit from 50% of this bonus.
        No longer visually scales up Minions and Mercenaries
        New Talent (Level 13): Steel Resolve
            Increases Inspire’s duration by 50% and causes Adrenaline Rush to automatically apply Inspire
    Adrenaline Rush (E)
        Activated Rush (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 4
        No longer requires activation in order to reduce the cooldown for Adrenaline Rush
        Cooldown reduction lowered from 15 to 10 seconds
    Hyperion (R)
        Battle Hyperion (Talent) removed
        Now starts with the Yamato Cannon effect that was previously granted by the Battle Hyperion Talent
        New Talent (Level 20): Scorched Earth
            An additional set of lasers continually blast the ground, dealing area-of-effect damage.
    Raynor's Raiders (R)
        This Heroic Ability now requires a target before it can be cast.
        Raynor’s Banshees can now be re-targeted by pressing R and clicking an enemy, or issued Move commands by pressing R and clicking the terrain.
        If their target dies, the Banshees will attempt to acquire a new target nearby, preferring heroes.
        If Raynor dies, the Banshees will travel to the nearest lane to help push.
        New Talent (Level 20): Dusk Wings
            Banshees remain cloaked while firing, and fire 50% more frequently.



    Earthbind Totem (E)
        Earthgrasp Totem (Talent)
            No longer roots the target for 1 second, and instead applies a 90% slow for 1 second


Sgt. Hammer

    Spider Mines (Q)
        Bullhead Mines (Talent)
            Enemies are now knocked back slightly farther, but only the center of the three Spider Mines will knock the target back.



    The color of Sonya’s Fury resource bar has been changed to orange.
    Ferocious Healing (Activated Talent)
        Fury cost upon activation increased from 10 to 20
    Basic Attack
        Damage increased from 38 (+7 per level) to 40 (+8 per level)
    Fury (Trait)
        Fury generated per Basic Attack increased from 4 to 6
        Fury generated upon taking damage increased from 1 to 2
        Shot of Fury (Talent)
            Fury generated upon activation increased from 25 to 50
    Ancient Spear (Q)
        Fury generation increased from 20 to 40
    Seismic Slam (W)
        Fury cost increased from 15 to 25
        Furious Blow (Talent)
            Damage bonus increased from 30% to 40%
            Increase to Seismic Slam’s Fury cost changed from 5 to 10
    Whirlwind (E)
        Fury cost increased from 30 to 50
    Wrath of the Berserker (R)
        Cooldown increased from 30 to 45 seconds
        Damage bonus increased from 30% to 40%
        Duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds
        Fury required to extend Wrath of the Berserker’s duration increased from 4 to 10 Fury



    Hook (Q)
        Cooldown increased from 14 to 16 seconds
    Gorge (R)
        Damage reduced from 200 (+50 per level) to 100 (+25 per level)



    Battle Momentum (Talent) removed



    Commandeer Odin (R)
        The functionality of Commandeer Odin has been changed significantly.
            The Odin’s Health total will now be set to Tychus’ current Health at the time that Commandeer Odin is cast. 
            Tychus will now die if the Odin is destroyed while he is piloting it.
            The Odin no longer has 50% Crowd Control reduction.
        Basic Attack
            Range increased by  approximately 30%
            Attack Speed increased by 9%
                Basic Attack damage decreased from  70 (+20 per level) to 63 (+18 per level) 
        Annihilate (Q)
            Scaling damage increased from 13 to 18 per level
        Ragnarok Missiles (W)
            This Ability’s functionality has changed.
            Target a point to damage and slow enemies in an area.
        New Ability: Thrusters (E)
            Dash in target direction
        Big Red Button (Talent)
            This Talent no longer grants Nuclear Blast (E) as a separate Ability.
            Instead, Ragnarok Missiles now also launches a Nuclear Missile at the target location in addition to its other effects.



    Cast Aside (Talent) removed
    Righteousness (W)
        Angelic Absorption (Talent)
            Moved from Level 4 to Level 13
            Healing increased from 10 (+2 per level) to 20 (+4 per level) each second for 3 seconds
    Smite (E)
        Purge Evil (Talent)
            Damage bonus decreased from 30% to 25%



    Executioner (Talent) removed
    Bolt of the Storm (Talent) removed
    Rewind (Talent) added at Level 20
    Rending Cleave (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 16
    Void Slash (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 7
    Void Prison (R)
        Now pauses Capture Points (Mercenary Camps, Watch Towers, Dragon Shrines). While paused, these points cannot be captured.


Bug Fixes


    Fixed an issue affecting machines with NVIDIA GTX 900 series Optimus graphics cards, which could cause greatly reduced framerates when Textures were set to Ultra.
    Resolved an issue in which some Hero Abilities were not properly revealing their targets after damaging them.
    Opening the Talent Select pane in Practice Mode will no longer interrupt an in-progress Hearthstone cast.
    Heroes that have transformation effects will no longer revert back to their default Skin color after Cloaking and Decloaking.  
    Corrected several typos and tooltip errors across multiple aspects of the game. 


    Great-father Winter Rehgar’s appearance while in Ghost Wolf form will now appropriately match his selected Skin Variation.
    Corrected some minor clipping in Illidan's Master Skin model.
    Tassadar no longer exhibits an animation pop when sitting idle on the Battle Beast Mount. 


    Abathur’s Hivemind Talent can no longer benefit the Dragon Knight or player-controlled Garden Terrors.
    Battleground objective units such as Grave Golems, Garden Terrors, and Mercenaries will now become invulnerable while leashing. 
    Falstad’s Flight cooldown is now properly reset after pressing the “Clear Cooldowns” button in Try Mode.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Grave Golems to deviate from their intended attack paths (Hotfixed on January 22).
    Grave Golems will now properly ignore Tassadar’s Force Wall.
    Grave Golems, Mercenaries, and Minions will no longer completely ignore Structures affected by Zeratul’s Void Prison.
    Fixed a rare issue in which Skulls occasionally spawn outside of the playable area on Haunted Mines.
    Kerrigan’s Ultralisk can now properly walk through uncollected Doubloons on Blackheart’s Bay.
    Sky Temple Map Mechanic stats are now properly recorded on the end-game score screen.
    Spirits created by Chen’s Storm, Earth, Fire Heroic Ability can no longer capture the Dragon Knight on Dragon Shire. 

Heroes and Talents

    Players will no longer permanently lose control of Abathur if he is killed immediately after the Ultimate Evolution Heroic Ability expires (Hotfixed on January 22).
    Fixed an issue in which Abathur could become permanently stuck in Symbiote form under very specific circumstances.
    The Bombard Strain Talent for Abathur’s Locust Strain Trait now appropriately lists a 66% damage bonus for Locusts in its tooltip.
    Visual effects for Abathur’s Deep Tunnel are no longer visible through line of sight blockers for opponents when Symbiote is cancelled.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Anub’arak to become stuck after using Burrow Charge near a Wall.
    Internal text will no longer display when Azmodan's Demons kill Murky's Egg.
    Visual explosion effects for Azmodan’s Globe of Annihilation with the Sieging Wrath Talent will now properly appear at long distances.
    Visual effects for Chen's Brewmaster's Balance Talent will no longer persist after Chen is killed.
    Fixed a rare issue which could allow Gazlowe to use both Grav-O-Bomb 3,000 and Robo-Goblin in the same match.
    Muradin's Haymaker now deals the appropriate amount of damage to Grave Golems and player-controlled Garden Terrors.
    Lighting issues will no longer occur when Murky is revived at an Egg placed in the Haunted Mines.
    Nova’s Holo Decoy will no longer pick up Doubloons if Nova is killed before the Decoy expires.
    Nova's Holo Decoy now appropriately displays any Doubloons it collects on Blackheart’s Bay.
    Fixed an issue in which Shrink Ray could fail to apply its 50% damage reduction if the target had already begun casting an Ability prior to coming under Shrink Ray’s effects.
    A Sgt. Hammer in Siege Mode now properly becomes mobile while under the effects of Brightwing’s Polymorph, and will no longer be in Siege Mode when Polymorph expires.
    Visual explosion effects from Sgt. Hammer's Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode now appear at the appropriate location when attacking flying enemies.
    Heroes will no longer be teleported back to Stitches if they are Gorged when Stitches comes under the effects of Anub’arak’s Web Blast.
    Fixed an issue in which Tassadar could gain additional range on Psionic Storm when selecting the talent Second Strike.
    Tassadar will no longer display a targeting reticule during Dimensional Shift if he was being actively targeted before casting the Ability.
    Fixed a rare issue in which Earthquake could still be cast, and then receive a reduced cooldown, if Thrall was stunned while channeling the Ability.
    Thrall's Chain Lightning will no longer bounce to, or reveal, Cloaked units.
    Tychus will no longer perform any Basic Attacks while using his Overkill Ability (Hotfixed on January 22).


    Chen's ready sound can no longer be heard by all players during Hero Selection. 

User Interface

    Fixed an issue in which players could become incorrectly flagged for game abandonment penalties when their Hero League game failed to start for reasons beyond their control.
    Fixed an issue in which inviting matched teammates to join a party while in Hero League Draft Mode could cause display issues for the inviting player.
    Fixed an issue that could cause players to indefinitely receive "Waiting for Results" on the endgame Score Screen if another player disconnects just as the game concludes.
    It is no longer possible to enter a game using an unearned Skin Variation. 
*原文 [#g751463c]

*コメント欄 [#o963cf34]